Application Process

Interested in applying for an award? Here’s how!

1. Submit your project idea.
Fill out the application form here. The application includes an overview of the project and an initial estimate of the funding the project requires.
2. Meet and work with your Project Manager.
Every applicant is assigned their own Project Manager (PM) who will help develop the applicant’s project, as well as support the applicant through the SIPS process. After you submit an interesting statement your PM will be in touch to arrange a face-to-face, Zoom, or telephone meeting.
Your Project Manager will provide feedback and help develop your project using SIPS’s extensive network of former awardees, board members, professors, and practitioners.
If your project fits all four evaluative criteria (details on the four criteria on the eligibility tab) you will be invited to complete a full application.
3. Complete your application
The full application will ask you to provide detailed information around the four evaluative criteria as well as an itemized budget for your project. Continue to meet with your PM – they are your point person during this process. Be sure that you submit your application by the deadline!
4. Pitch!
You will have the chance to present your application in front of the SIPS Executive Committee.
5. Receive a decision
During our biannual board meetings, final award decisions are made by the Board of Trustees, a group of faculty, students, and alumni that oversee the SIPS Fund. Learn more about the Board and the Executive Committee here.
6. Execute your project
You will receive funding to complete your project and create an impact around the world. SIPS will maintain contact during this time to offer support. You will be expected to update the team on your project during implementation. Learn more about our awardee expectations and eligibility here.
7. Bring it home
When you complete your project you get to share your experiences with the SIPS Executive Committee, peer awardees, and the greater Georgetown community. We look forward to showing everyone all the impact you have in your community. Check out the impact that past SIPS awardees have made here!